BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 469          Total No. of Sites: 0
Survey/Project Name: General Trends in Vegetation Recovery - Gammon Ranges
Abstract: A number of permanent monitoring sites have been established on the Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park to enable long term evaluation of vegetation responses to management programs aimed at reducing total grazing pressure. Some sites were established after the addition of the Plains Block section to the park in 1983 others were formalised during the land condition assessment in 1999. Photopoints have been surveyed at irregular intervals. These photopoints form an important component of a general program of vegetation monitoring for all plant communities within the park.
Start Date: 01/11/1983      End Date: 01/01/2010
Survey Type: Vegetation Only
Study Area Description: Vulkathunha - Gammon Ranges National Park includes the old Balcanoona Plains Block
         Vegetation: The monitoring of photopoints form an important component of a general program of vegetation monitoring for all plant communities within the park. Some sites have jessup transects to monitor changes in perennial species.
         Fauna: *** No fauna survey objectives recorded
         Vegetation: Location described, mud map and GPS fixed, site bearing/slope measured. Site physical description with plant floristics, CSR density, dominants, browse, response mechanisms/fire scars, vertebrate signs and general site observations including site condition estimate, perennial shrub/tree/grass denity measurement at select sites by Jessup transect, soil surface attributes including erosionindices, some sites soil profiles and classification may have been taken. Site photo including slide/print/digital photo combination.
         Fauna: *** No vertebrate methodology recorded

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Monitoring - Vegetation/Ecosystem (ie species records - usually re-visited for ongoing monitoring) NOTE:NON Std Svy methodology may have been used.
Information Authority: Department for Environment and Heritage (BDBSA:Outback) - Regional Ecologist - Outback/Ranges
Department for Environment and Heritage (BDBSA:S&C Div) - Biological Survey and Monitoring