BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 1143          Total No. of Sites: 49
Survey/Project Name: Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park Pipeline Survey November 2017
Abstract: This project aims to conduct a biological survey, to determine if any significant biodiversity assets are present, of the area within 1 km either side of existing pipelines traversing Section 1477 (Out of Hundreds Copley and Frome), within Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park, north-east South Australia, in November 2017. METHODOLOGY: The survey in the eastern section of the park, towards Lake Frome, will involve a team of six using the standard Biological Survey of South Australia method.
Start Date: 06/11/2017      End Date: 30/11/2017
Survey Type: Vegetation and Fauna
Study Area Description: 1 km either side of existing pipelines traversing Section 1477 (Out of Hundreds Copley and Frome) within Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park
         Vegetation: To sample all vegetation types occurring within 1km either side of the existing oil and gas pipelines that traverse the Balcanoona block of Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park in order to provide advice on the possible re-proclamation of this area to allow for pipeline rights under the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000.
         Fauna: To sample fauna in all habitat types occurring within 1km either side of the existing oil and gas pipelines that traverse the Balcanoona block of Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park in order to provide advice on the possible re-proclamation of this area to allow for pipeline rights under the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000.
         Vegetation: Standard Biological Survey of SA methodology used to record physical, flora and fauna data. 6 survey sites established.
         Fauna: Standard Biological Survey of SA methodology used to record physical, flora and fauna data. 6 survey sites established.

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Biological Survey of South Australia - Standard Survey methodology used.
Fauna : Biological Survey of South Australia - Standard Survey methodology used.
Information Authority: Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (BDBSA)- Protected Area Policy & Planning Section