BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 1180          Total No. of Sites: 69
Survey/Project Name: Mount Bold Fauna and Flora Survey 2018
Abstract: This project will conduct flora and fauna assessments of areas that may be impacted by proposed dam upgrades in the Mount Bold Reservoir. These assessments are required to help design the dam upgrades to minimise environmental impacts, as well as to provide data to feed into approval processes, such as clearance under the Native Vegetation Act 1991 and (possibly) approvals under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The Mount Bold area is relatively well known from a vertebrate fauna perspective due to previous surveys conducted by the Nature Conservation Society of SA (2006) and EBS across 2007-2008. These surveys provide a good overview of the fauna of Mount Bold. This project will focus upon methodologies to detect species of conservation significance, rather than more generalised methods such as pitfall trapping, which is time-consuming,costly, damages habitat and is of limited effectiveness for many species (such as Southern Brown Bandicoots and Cunningham's Skinks). This approach is in keeping with the general advice provided by the Native Vegetation Group regarding survey as part of the native vegetation clearance assessment process which notes "Specifically designed and targeted surveys should be conducted where the database search and/or observations indicate the presence of a threatened species".
Start Date: 06/06/2018      End Date: 26/06/2019
Survey Type: Vegetation and Fauna
Study Area Description: Mount Bold Reservoir Reserve
         Vegetation: Refer to Abstract.
         Fauna: Refer to Abstract.
         Vegetation: *** No vegetation methodology recorded
         Fauna: Survey to follow standard Biological Survey of SA methodology, supplemented by Anabat use and motion-sensing cameras. The following methodologies will be used (with reference to the target species) within the project area: - Motion-detecting cameras for Southern Brown Bandicoots (Isoodon obesulus obesulus), Common Brushtail Possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) and Yellow-footed Antechinus (Antechinus flavipes) - Searching for diggings and signs for the presence of the nationally Endangered Southern Brown Bandicoots (Isoodon obesulus obesulus) and state Rare Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) - Elliott trapping for the State Vulnerable Yellow-footed Antechinus (Antechinus flavipes) - this species was noted as being readily caught in Elliott Traps during previous surveys - Cage traps and scat searches for the state Rare Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) - Focussed searching of appropriate rocky/cliff habitats for the State Endangered Cunningham's Skink (Egernia cunninghami). This would incorporate searching on at least 3 days where conditions are suitable (sunshine, low wind, during spring) for 2 hours per occasion, using: - Searches for scat piles outside crevices - Using penlight torches and inspection cameras to look inside suitable crevices - Using binoculars to look for basking animals outside crevices - Call identification for frog species, especially the state Rare Bibron's Toadlet (Pseudophryne bibronii) - Standard Biological Survey of SA survey (two hours morning and evening) for bird species of conservation significance - Anabat survey for bat species - Opportune searching for reptiles (observation, raking, lifting rocks and logs etc.)

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Biological Survey of South Australia - Standard Survey methodology used.
Fauna : Baseline Survey of flora and/or fauna - Standard Biol Survey of SA survey methodology not used.
Fauna : Biological Survey of South Australia - Standard Survey methodology used.
Information Authority: SA Water