BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 1194          Total No. of Sites: 122
Survey/Project Name: Pinery Fire area -flora and fauna impacts and recovery from fire in remnant veg.
Abstract: After the Pinery Fire of November 2015 there was a need to monitor the impacts on the fire on areas of remnant vegetation. Gawler Environment & Heritage Association took on the task of coordinating volunteers and landholders recording information. The main project commenced in spring 2016 and will continue for some years. Some sites will only have had a single visit. Others will have followup visits, sometimes multiple times. A range of experts have assisted with identification of lesser known species.
Start Date: 01/09/2016      End Date: 31/12/2026
Survey Type: Vegetation and Fauna
Study Area Description: The Pinery Fire scar as shown on Naturemaps. Some sites on the periphery of the fire scar will also be monitored for comparative purposes.
         Vegetation: Refer to Abstract.
         Fauna: Refer to Abstract.
         Vegetation: Survey technique has been on-ground observations of plants and animals. In some cases it involves observation of sites near roads from the road. In most cases it has involved walking through sites. Where practical landholders have assisted with data collection.
         Fauna: see vegetation methodology.

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Opportunistic records - casual obs no fixed methodology
Fauna : Opportunistic records - casual obs no fixed methodology
Information Authority: Gawler Enviornment & Heritage Association Inc.