BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 24          Total No. of Sites: 1695
Survey/Project Name: South Olary Plains
Abstract: This project aims to provide a comprehensive database classification, and map of the flora and fauna communities in the Northern Murray River Basin of South Australia. It was also established as a long-term monitoring system to further understand the general and fire ecology of the basin environment. This project is part of the Biological Survey of SA programme run by the Biological Survey and Monitoring group in Department for Environment and Heritage (DEH). Survey areas defined in a DEH spatial layer are managed by DEH Environmental Information Group. NOTE: Site coordinates were reviewed in 2018. Site was projected against Google Earth imagery and compared with physical and vegetation site data. Original site survey sheets including mud maps were consulted where available. In 2019 locations were either verified or moved the minimum distance required to improve data consistency. All changes were documented within the site audit data.
Start Date: 22/07/1991      End Date: 29/10/1999
Survey Type: Vegetation and Fauna
Study Area Description: Undulating calcrete plains with shallow soils supporting low woodlands or tall open shrublands with chenopod understorey, overlain in places by low dunes or sand sheets with Mallee over shrubs or Triodia. Also relict alluvial terrain with low open Blackoak woodland. Area covers semi-arid and arid areas, where rainfall is largely erratic and unpredictable. North of River Murray floodplains, west of NSW border, South of Yunta and East of Burra.
         Vegetation: 1. To establish a comprehensive database classification and map of the flora and fauna communities in the Northern Murray River Basin of SA. 2. To establish a long term monitoring system to further understanding of the general and fire ecology of the basin environment.
         Fauna: *** No fauna survey objectives recorded
         Vegetation: General Physical Description. 100 x 100m quadrat - determined by species area curve, to include most species, complete species lists, Muir's life form/height class and canopy cover, Braun-Blanquet (adapted and extended) cover/abundance. Structural summary and association description.
         Fauna: At each site/quadrat, two sets of traplines placed in same habitat type, 200m apart. Each set of traplines comprised a 50m fenced pitfall line with 6 pits and a line of 15 Elliot traps 20m to one side, each trap 10m apart. Mammals and reptiles also recorded by active searching. Bird observations made one evening and one morning at each site. Bats - mist netting and harp trapping only at appropriate opportunistic sites. Micro-pitfalls set for insects.

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Biological Survey of South Australia - Standard Survey methodology used.
Fauna : Biological Survey of South Australia - Standard Survey methodology used.
Information Authority: Department for Environment and Heritage (BDBSA:S&C Div) - Biological Survey and Monitoring