BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 801          Total No. of Sites: 0
Survey/Project Name: A survey of Mambray Creek and Alligator Gorge NP (NCSSA) - 1967-1969
Abstract: A report on the flora and fauna of Mambray Creek and Alligator Gorge, Mount Remarkable National Park, Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Report contains species lists of plants, reptiles, mammals and birds which were recorded in the area. Data was collected from 1967 to 1969. A survey of Mambray Creek and Alligator Gorge National Park was carried out by a range of Naturalists over a few years around 1967-69 and coordinated by Nature Conservation Society of South Australia. The source of data and metadata is the following report: Nature Conservation Society of South Australia. A Survey of Mambray Creek and Alligator Gorge National Parks: compiled by Roger Callen and edited by Patricia Thomas. The survey predates the incorporation of Mambray Creek and Alligator Gorge in the new Mount Remarkable NP.
Start Date: 01/01/1967      End Date: 31/12/1969
Survey Type: Vegetation and Fauna
Study Area Description: Mambray Creek and Alligator Gorge, Mount Remarkable National Park, Flinders Ranges, South Australia.
         Vegetation: To survey the flora and Fauna of Mambray Creek and Alligator Gorge.
         Fauna: To survey the flora and Fauna of Mambray Creek and Alligator Gorge.
         Vegetation: Collections were made during May, July and October 1968 and in August 1969. A specimen of each recorded species was lodged with the State Herbarium, unless marked otherwise.
         Fauna: Reptiles: Six trips were made to Mambray Creek and Alligator Gorge area over two years. One of these trips extended over three weeks in midsummer. Mammals: A mammal survey was undertaken from 21-23 March 1969. Two nights of trapping were carried out, as well as limited day and night observations. Baited 55 Longworth traps and 11 collapsible wire traps were used. March 21st- 22 Longworth traps were set from 095389 to 096385 and 11 possum traps set at intervals along the creek bed upstream from 095389 for 400 yards. These were placed at the base of large river red gums. March 22nd- Based at the fire place at approximately 110406 55 longworth and 11 possum traps set. Longworth traps, 11 up the hill to the south of the base camp, 11 up the hill to the north of the base camp, 11 upstream in Alligator Creek and 22 between the road junction 113402 and the ruin 118409. The 11 possum traps were set in creek beds near the base camp and at the road junction. Birds: All records were made from short visits to Mambray Creek and Alligator Gorge area. Visits were made from May 1967 to May 1968.

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Baseline Survey of flora and/or fauna - Standard Biol Survey of SA survey methodology not used.
Fauna : Baseline Survey of flora and/or fauna - Standard Biol Survey of SA survey methodology not used.
Information Authority: Nature Conservation Society of SA Inc