BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 1044          Total No. of Sites: 0
Survey/Project Name: Late Quaternary fossil mammals from Wet Cave
Abstract: This project aims to examine examine palaeoecology and taphonomy of Wet Cave (5U10), Naracoorte Caves National Park, South Australia. Project was built upon by Project 1049: Natural Variation in small mammal communities - Wet Cave by Dr Amy Macken. Project involved faunal identification and analysis, sedimentary and chronological analyses and comparison with the Robertson Cave Inner Chamber deposit (see Project 1043: Late Quaternary fossil mammals from Robertson Cave. REFERENCES: 1. Pate, F.D., McDowell, M.C., Wells, R.T. and Smith, A.M. 2002. Last recorded evidence for megafauna at Wet Cave, Naracoorte, South Australia 45,000 years ago. Australian Archaeology 54, 53-55. 2. Pate, F.D., McDowell, M.C., Wells, R.T. and Smith, A.M. 2006. Additional AMS radiocarbon dates for Wet Cave and the timing of megafaunal extinctions in the Naracoorte region of South Australia. Alcheringa Special Issue 1, 277-279. 3. McDowell, M.C. 2001. The analysis of Late Quaternary fossil mammal faunas from Robertson Cave (5U17, 18, 19) and Wet Cave (5U10, 11) in the Naracoorte World Heritage Area, South Australia. M.Sc. Thesis, Flinders University, South Australia.
Start Date: 01/01/1998      End Date: 30/05/2001
Survey Type: Fauna only
Study Area Description: Entrance Chamber, Wet Cave (entrances 5U10,11), Naracoorte Caves National Park: Zone 54, Easting 481995, Northing 5901072.
         Vegetation: *** No vegetation survey objectives recorded
         Fauna: Refer to Abstract.
         Vegetation: *** No vegetation methodology recorded
         Fauna: SAMPLE COLLECTION Fossil material was collected by David Bartholomeusz from two 1 m2 pits, Pit 1 (lower) and Pit 2 (upper). Each pit was divided into 4 x 0.25 m2 quadrats (A, B, C and D). Quadrats were excavated individually by following the sedimentary layers. Pit 2 was 110 cm deep, Pit 1 240 cm deep. Combined depth 3.5 m. VERTEBRATE FOSSIL PREPARATION All excavated material was wet screened and sorted for diagnostic elements. Some fossils were soaked in 5% acetic acid to remove calcite before hardening with polyvinyl butyrate solution. Mammal craniodental material was identified. Identifications later reviewed by Dr Amy Macken in project: Natural Variation in small mammal communities - Wet Cave. VERTEBRATE FOSSIL REGISTRATION Identified bulk lots of mammalian craniodental specimens were assigned field numbers composed of the cave number (5U10) followed by a unique number (e.g. 0001). Small mammal material was later registered to the Flinders University fossil collection (FU20000-20997) as part of: Natural Variation in small mammal communities - Wet Cave by Dr Amy Macken. SEDIMENTARY ANALYSES A 2 kg sediment sample was collected from each excavated spit for sedimentary analyses including sorting, grain size, shape and colour. Stratigraphy was later refined in project: Natural Variation in small mammal communities - Wet Cave by Dr Amy Macken. Details in associated publications. GEOCHRONOLOGICAL ANALYSES Charcoal samples were radiocarbon dated as part of the project. These dates were later built upon and modelled in project: Natural Variation in small mammal communities - Wet Cave by Dr Amy Macken. See publications for details.

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Fauna : Fossil excavation
Information Authority: Department for Environment and Heritage (BDBSA:South East)
Flinders University of SA