BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 760          Total No. of Sites: 0
Survey/Project Name: Banding bush birds in corridors
Abstract: The project began in December 2010 conducted in Mt Burr Range Forest Reserve in the South East of South Australia (SENRMB region), Bluff to Woolwash corridor. Objectives are to mist net bush birds using local experts and volunteers in native forest reserves and corridors to ascertain genetic exchange between patches and use of corridor sites. To better understand the effectiveness of biodiversity corridors while attempting to improve the connectivity of bird populations with revegetated strips (40m to 100m+ wide) planted since 2000.
Start Date: 01/12/2010      End Date: 01/11/2011
Survey Type: Fauna only
Study Area Description: Mt Burr Range Forest Reserve in the South East of SA (SENRMB region), Bluff to Woolwash corridor
         Vegetation: *** No vegetation survey objectives recorded
         Fauna: Banding bush birds to better understand the effectiveness of ForestrySA revegetated natural (biodiversity) corridors in the south east of SA.
         Vegetation: *** No vegetation methodology recorded
         Fauna: Set up mist nets at target native forest/corridor sites to band a selection of local bush birds - Undertake repeat visits as required. i.e .. once per season. Banded bird reporting - from Bob Green during the annual Spring/Summer bird surveys in corridors, targeted surveys arranged via Birds SE, or opportunistic observations by FSA staff, volunteers and other visitors to the forest.

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Fauna : Unclassified - pending reassessment.
Information Authority: Forestry SA