BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 129          Total No. of Sites: 131
Survey/Project Name: Beetaloo Valley (Nature Conservation Society)
Abstract: This project aims to conduct a biological survey of the Beetaloo Valley Catchment area, Mid North region, near Adelaide, to identify and map important habitats, and determine their biodiversity needs. AIMS: 1. This information will be used, in collaboration with relevant landowners, to develop on-ground management actions. 2. Investigate catchment-wide problems such as feral animals; as well as the maintenance of small areas of habitat in good condition. 3. Landowners also will be encouraged to enter management agreements for areas of high biodiversity values.
Start Date: 03/02/1998      End Date: 02/12/2001
Survey Type: Vegetation and Fauna
Study Area Description: Beetaloo Valley Catchment area forms the southern top of the Flinders Ranges and ends near the low plains. Landforms ridges up to 500m high with valleys etc. Vegetation - Beetaloo catchment supports a large area of diverse vegetation communities in relatively intact state and include a significant area of grassy woodland. Area bounded by Eastings: 235300 Northings: 6333700 Eastings: 239200 Northings: 6331200 Eastings: 239800 Northings: 6313600 Three 1:50 000 topographic maps: 6531-02 - Gladstone 6531-03 - Crystal Brook 6531-04 - Pirie
         Vegetation: To identify and map important habitats and determine their biodiversity needs. In collaboration with relevant landowners, this information will be used to develop on ground management actions. Looking at catchment wide problems, feral animals as well as the maintenance of small areas of habitat in good condition. Landowners also will be encouraged to enter management agreements for areas of high biodiversity values.
         Fauna: 'as above'
         Vegetation: as used for all biological surveys
         Fauna: Within 30 X 30 m quaddrat, bird observation times 2 x 1 hour preferably morning and late afternoon. 1 trapline per site was initially to be 2 per site but soil/rock conditions made this very time consuming so from first site 1 trapline per site.

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Biological Survey of South Australia - Standard Survey methodology used.
Fauna : Biological Survey of South Australia - Standard Survey methodology used.
Information Authority: Nature Conservation Society of SA Inc