BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 406          Total No. of Sites: 89
Survey/Project Name: Wetland management in the Riverlands
Abstract: The aim of the project is to monitor the following list of wetlands and create some baseline data to include in a Management Plan in the future. Future monitoring will probably be at the same sites but varied for each wetland or lagoon.The baseline data is taken bi annually (began in 1998). Waterquality (salinity, turbidity, pH and oxygen) are taken quartely. Fish data, waterbirds, breeding and bush bird data are all taken. Photopoints are set up at each wetland. A vegetation list has been prepared, vegetation unit health calculated and vegetation has been assigned a health rating. All wetlands have different attributes with different objectives. The following wetlands and lagoons are part of the project: Morgan Lagoons, Morgan Conservation Park. Nukanoowie, Murray River National Park. Little Duck Lagoon. Causeway Lagoon. Winding Creek Lagoon. Old Loxton Road Lagoon. Chowilla Game Reserve Lakes Litra. Lakes Limbra. Werta Wert Lagoons. Pilby Lagoon. Pilby Creek. Lock 6 Lagoon. Pipe Clay Billabong. Slaney's Weir Bilabong. Boat Creek Swamp.
Start Date: 01/01/1998      End Date: 01/01/2020
Survey Type: Vegetation and Fauna
Study Area Description: *** No study area description recorded
         Vegetation: Aquatic Fauna and Flora Monitoring - DENR Managed Wetlands and Waterways. The following wetlands were monitored monthly for water quality and waterbirds and seasonally for all other parameters as listed below; Ngak Indau, Morgan CP Lagoons, Causeway Lagoon, Little Duck, Winding Creek, Carpark Lagoons, Slaney Billabong, Pilby Lagoon, Pilby Creek, Lake Littra, Werta Wert Lagoons, Pipeclay Billabong and Coppermine Waterhole Tree Health 30 trees within a particular site are selected, up to 5 sites per wetland/creek area, the trees are tagged, photographed and GPS points recorded. The trees condition is then assessed on bark health, crown extension, crown density, epicormic growth,new tip growth, insect damage/leaf die off and reproductive extent. Vegetation Presence/absence of vegetation species within quadrats along 20m transects at 3 different elevations to produce a frequency score for each species, both terrestrial and aquatic vegetation species will be recorded at 3-5 sites per wetland/creek. Some plant material may need to be collected for ID.
         Fauna: Aquatic vertebrate monitoring Conduct aquatic vertebrate (fish, amphibians and turtle) monitoring within the managed DENR wetlands and waterways. The project involves the trapping, measuring and release of a range of aquatic vertebrate species using snorkel traps that target turtles and fyke nets that target all aquatic vertebrate species. Before the animals are released they will be identified and a sample (30 individuals) of each fish and turtle species measured using the standard fish-measuring tray. Trapping will occur a number times per year between September and May depending resources and water levels of survey sites.water inventory, quality, birds, amphibians, fish, tree health, veg, transects
         Vegetation: *** No vegetation methodology recorded
         Fauna: Frog sightings used a method of listening for frog calls adapted from the Frog Census by EPA. The method classifies calls into one, few, many and lots. These quantities were converted to numbers based on picking a value in the range - One = number observed of 1, Few = 2-9 = number observed = 2, Many = 10-50 = number observed = 10, Lots = >50 = number observed = 50.

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Monitoring - Vegetation/Ecosystem (ie species records - usually re-visited for ongoing monitoring) NOTE:NON Std Svy methodology may have been used.
Fauna : Fauna species/population Study (ie trapping records over time period for species study). NOTE:NON Std Svy methodology may have been used.
Information Authority: Department for Environment and Heritage (BDBSA:Murraylands) - Wetland Ecologist