BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 595          Total No. of Sites: 90
Survey/Project Name: Tjakura (Egernia kintorei) Population Monitoring and Surveys
Abstract: The purpose of the Tjakura monitoring survey was twofold; 1. To revisit sites which were known to contain Tjakura burrows in order to determine population trends (i.e. whether the warrens were active or inactive and the approximate number of animals they contained). 2. To search new areas for additional Tjakura burrows. The survey was carried out during April 2006 by staff from DEH, APY Land Management, a paid consultant and Anangu workers. The surveys were based around the Watarru area in the central Anangu Pitjantjara Yunkuntjara Lands. It is hoped that these surveys will be repeated yearly in order to monitor Tjakura population dynamics.
Start Date: 01/11/2002      End Date: 01/01/2010
Survey Type: Fauna only
Study Area Description: The survey was carried out during April 2006 by staff from DEH, APY Land Management, a paid consultant (Steve McAlpin) and Anangu workers. The surveys were based around the Watarru area in the central Anangu Pitjantjara Yunkuntjara Lands. It is hoped that these surveys will be repeated yearly in order to monitor Tjakura population dynamics.
         Vegetation: *** No vegetation survey objectives recorded
         Fauna: The purpose of the survey was twofold; 1. To revisit sites which were known to contain Tjakura burrows in order to determine population trends (i.e. whether the warrens were active or in active and the approximate number of animals they contained). 2. To search new areas of additional Tjakura burrows.
         Vegetation: At these Tjakura burrow locations a list of dominant / codominant plant species across the strata were compiled. The dominant / codominant plant species were based on general observation of the habitat around the burrow location. No quadrat size was used and full floristics were not collected at the site.
         Fauna: *** No vertebrate methodology recorded

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Fauna : EPBC/NPWSA Threatened species targeted survey. Flora or fauna species.
Information Authority: Department for Environment and Heritage (BDBSA:S&C Div) - BCP Threat species
Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands Council