BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 109          Total No. of Sites: 0
Survey/Project Name: Canunda Conservation Reserve
Abstract: This project aims to conduct a biological survey to establish sites for long-term monitoring of vegetation in selected parts of Canunda Conservation Reserve (Lake Frome), near Mount Gambier, South Australia, and to identify the threats and long-term native vegetation management requirements for this wetland. METHODOLOGY: The survey sites were chosen to include sites that have been recently grazed by cattle, and sites which have not been grazed for 7-10 years, to determine the impact of grazing on the wetland plant communities, as well as the impact or an altered drainage regime. Ten permanent photopoints were set up to monitor changes in plant community distribution and composition over time. Report: Report on the Vegetation of Lake Frome - Canunda Conservation Reserve. September 1999. Prepared by EAC Ecological Evaluation for the Department for Environment Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs SE Region.
Start Date: 08/05/1999      End Date: 09/05/1999
Survey Type: Vegetation Only
Study Area Description: Canunda Conservation Reserve (Lake Frome), South East Wetland sites within Canunda Conservation Reserve (Lake Frome), South East of SA
         Vegetation: The objectives were to establish sites for long-term monitoring of vegetation in selected parts of Canunda Conservation Reserve (Lake Frome) and to identify the threats and long-tem native vegetation management requirements for this wetland. The survey sites were chosen to include sites that have been recently grazed by cattle and sites which have not been grazed for 7-10 years. To determine the impact of grazing on the wetland plant communities as well as the impact or an altered drainage regime. Ten permanent photopoints were set up to monitor changes in plant community distribution and composition over time. 4 quadrats (BUF00101, BUF00201, BUF00301 & BUF00401) were sampled using methodology based on the Biological Survey of South Australia. Each quadrat was 30x30 metre square quadrats, the location and physical data was recorded and the plant species. Plants species dominance was recorded, life form, height, cover, abundance and life stage for each plant species present. 9 Transects were surveyed to give an indication of the composition and spatial distribution of the various wetland vegetation communities and to monitor introduced species. A 100 metre tape was extended out in a straight line from the first dropper on a bearing with the second dropper. From the first dropper, the transect was divided in to 10, 10 x 1 metre plots, with the 1 metre width always on the right hand side of the transect. In each plot the plant species are identified and the percentage of cover of dominant species is recorded. Photopoints were established at each of the 9 vegetation transect sites and at Biological Survey Site 1. They are marked on the ground by two star droppers. The data was entered in to the BDBSA and the vegetation was mapped with GIS.
         Fauna: *** No fauna survey objectives recorded
         Vegetation: 4 quadrats (30m x 30m) were surveyed using the Biological Survey of SA methodology 9 x 100m long transects were surveyed using a modified Jessup belt transect method. From a star dropper, the transect was divided into ten, 10m long x 1m wide plots, with the 1m width always on the right hand side of the transect. Within each plot, an attempt was made to identify all species present, and record the percentage cover of the dominant species. Those plant species not contributing to cover, or less than ten small plants were recorded as "N" (present, no cover).
         Fauna: *** No vertebrate methodology recorded

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Monitoring - Vegetation/Ecosystem (ie species records - usually re-visited for ongoing monitoring) NOTE:NON Std Svy methodology may have been used.
Vegetation : Biological Survey of South Australia - Standard Survey methodology used.
Information Authority: Department for Environment and Heritage (BDBSA:S&C Div) - Biological Survey and Monitoring