BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 836          Total No. of Sites: 76
Survey/Project Name: Grasslands - Lower North
Abstract: The project is proposed to produce flora, reptile and bird data from grassland and some grassy woodland sites on the Adelaide Plains and foothills areas of the Adelaide Mount Lofty Natural Resource Management (AML NRM) Board region. Mapping of pre-European vegetation in the relevant area has often been inaccurate and until recent work by Tim croft/DENR and GEHA the extent of the original grasslands has been lost.
Start Date: 14/09/2011      End Date: 30/08/2013
Survey Type: Vegetation and Fauna
Study Area Description: shape file has been emailed.
         Vegetation: Refer to Abstract.
         Fauna: Refer to Abstract.
         Vegetation: The data collection is proposed to involve at least 8 full Biological Survey sites and additional 'opportune' collection sites. The DENR methodology and DATA sheets will be used for collection of data.
         Fauna: The data collection is proposed to involve at least 8 full Biological Survey sites and additional 'opportune' collection sites. The DENR methodology and DATA sheets will be used for collection of data.

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Unknown :
Information Authority: Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management (NRM) Region
Gawler Enviornment & Heritage Association Inc.