BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 90          Total No. of Sites: 54
Survey/Project Name: Tilley Swamp
Abstract: This project aims to conduct an ecosystem-health monitoring program in response to the construction of the Tilley Swamp Drain, South East region, South Australia. MONITORING: The following published, annual monitoring is a condition of the Tilley Swamp Drain and Watercourse Native Vegetation Council Management Plan: 1. Vegetation health (Melaleuca spp.); 2. Bird behaviour; 3. Wetland vegetation; 4. Weeds; 5. Groundwater levels; 6. Fauna-crossing effectiveness. Small-fauna trapping was also conducted in 2001.
Start Date: 05/02/1996      End Date: 30/04/2001
Survey Type: Vegetation and Fauna
Study Area Description: The boundary of the study area is depicted in the "Floristic Vegetation Map for the Tilley Swamp Watercourse and Surrounding Area" found in the Biological Survey Report. The area comprises Martins Washpool CP, part of Stoneleigh Park HA and Tilley Swamp CP from Salt Creek in the north to Henry Creek Rd approx 40km south. Area boundary is enclosed by the Princess Highway south of Salt Creek to Henry Creek Rd, and east apprx 15 Kms inland. The northern boundary sits below Messent CP, and extends eastward through half of Stoneleigh Park HA. The eastern bopundary extends from Stoneleigh Park south to Henry Creek Rd.
         Vegetation: To conduct baseline surveys of the biodiversity assets of the Tilley Swamp watercourse pre drainage. The Upper South East Dryland Salinity and Flood Mitigation scheme identified Tilley Swamp as a possible drainage route. Visit period 1/2/2000-30/4/2001: Initial data collection of veg quadrats along transects incorporating bird inventory, water piezometer reading undertaken by Brenton Grear.
         Fauna: To conduct baseline surveys of the biodiversity assets of the Tilley Swamp watercourse pre drainage. The Upper South East Dryland Salinity and Flood Mitigation scheme identified Tilley Swamp as a possible drainage route. Visit period 1/2/2000-30/4/2001: Fauna trapping lines established, transect data recorded on site sheets and transferred onto Excel, water gauging figures supplied to Biodiversity Assessment Services for incorporation into annual report.
         Vegetation: Biological Survey of South Australia- Agricultural zone
         Fauna: Biological Survey of South Australia - Agricultural zone

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Biological Survey of South Australia - Standard Survey methodology used.
Vegetation : Native Vegetation Assessment Program. - NON Standard BDBSA methodology used.
Fauna : Biological Survey of South Australia - Standard Survey methodology used.
Fauna : Native Vegetation Assessment Program. - NON Standard BDBSA methodology used.
Information Authority: Department for Environment and Heritage (BDBSA:S&C Div) - Biological Survey and Monitoring
Department for Environment and Heritage (BDBSA:South East) - Mt Gambier Office - Regional Ecologist