BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 914          Total No. of Sites: 0
Abstract: Natural Resources Kangaroo Island has been conducting surveillance, eradication, research and public education activities relating to the translocation and spread of marine pests around Kangaroo Island, South Australia, since 2006. The program started with Reef Watch `Feral or in Peril Program' events, which in 2008 resulted in the discovery of the first marine pest, a specimen of Sabella spallanzanii (European Fan Worm) on the Kingscote jetty.
Start Date: 01/01/2008      End Date: 31/12/2012
Survey Type: Other
Study Area Description: American River, Bay of Shoals, Christmas Cove, Kingscote Jetty, Penneshaw Jetty.
         Vegetation: *** No vegetation survey objectives recorded
         Fauna: *** No fauna survey objectives recorded
         Vegetation: The Coast and Marine Program undertakes regular surveillance activities (Diving, snorkling) at key ports on KI to detect incursions (early infestations). Surveys have been conducted at Kingscote, Bay of Shoals, American River, Penneshaw and Christmas Cove, as well as at Cape Jervis where the SeaLink ferry docks.
         Fauna: The Coast and Marine Program undertakes regular surveillance activities (Diving, snorkling) at key ports on KI to detect incursions (early infestations). Surveys have been conducted at Kingscote, Bay of Shoals, American River, Penneshaw and Christmas Cove, as well as at Cape Jervis where the SeaLink ferry docks.

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Pest/Diseases/Threats - control project
Fauna : Pest/Diseases/Threats - control project
Information Authority: Department for Environment and Heritage (BDBSA:Kangaroo Island)
Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management (NRM) Region