BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 107          Total No. of Sites: 307
Survey/Project Name: North-Western Eyre Peninsula
Abstract: This project aims to conduct a survey in 1999 to collect data on the vegetation communities of north-western Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, to enable the classification and mapping on the floristic composition and structure of the vegetation groups of the area. AIMS: The survey focus was on forest, mallee and woodland communities, and other types of communities such as shrublands and grasslands that may be under represented.
Start Date: 16/04/1999      End Date: 22/10/1999
Survey Type: Vegetation Only
Study Area Description: The study area encompasses the region from Streaky Bay in the north west, across to Pinkawilline CP in north east, south to just west of Hincks CP in the south east and west to the coast near Lake Hamilton in the south west. The southern & central regions are dominated by an undulating sheet calcrete plain with shallow soils. In the north eastern region of the study area occur large fields of mainly NW - SE longitudinal, silicious (quartz) dunes. The region also contains some Isolated granite outcrops such as Mt Wudinna, Pildappa Rock & Ucontichie Hill. In general the vegetation is dominated by mallee (Eucalyptus spp.) communities with smaller areas of sheoak and native pine woodlands and broombush shrublands. The study area encompasses the region from Streaky Bay in the north west, across to Pinkawilline CP in north east, south to just west of Hincks CP in the south east and west to the coast near Lake Hamilton in the south west.
         Vegetation: The main aim of this survey was to collect data on the vegetation communities of the North Western Eyre Peninsula region to enable the classification & mapping on the floristic composition and structure of the vegetation groups of the area. As the survey was partially funded by the National Forest Inventory - Bureau of Resource Sciences, the focus was on Forest, Mallee & Woodland communities and so some of the other types of communities such as shrublands and grasslands may be under represented.
         Fauna: *** No fauna survey objectives recorded
         Vegetation: Vegetation was documented with a complete list of plant species within a 30 x 30m quadrat using Braun-Blanquet cover abundance scores. Lifeform and reproductive stage was also recorded. Each site was assigned a structural formation. All species were vouchered the first time they were encountered and lodged with the State Herbarium. Physical data such as slope, aspect, landform, surface soil texture and disturbances were collected. Vertebrate presence was also noted.
         Fauna: *** No vertebrate methodology recorded

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Biological Survey of South Australia - Standard Survey methodology used.
Information Authority: Department for Environment and Heritage (BDBSA:S&C Div) - Biological Survey and Monitoring