BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 1108          Total No. of Sites: 30
Survey/Project Name: Morialta Conservation Park vegetation change
Abstract: This project aims to determine the effects of soil type, aspect and altitude on vegetation patterns in the Morialta Conservation Park, near Adelaide, South Australia. BACKGROUND: Morialta encompasses over 1200 ha of native vegetation. During preliminary field visits, it was observed that vegetation changes with the types of underlying substrate. Changes with aspect (north vs. south facing slopes) are also expected. Finally, the park's altitudinal gradient (100-500 m) may affect vegetation, which often responds to associated changes in environmental variables; e.g. temperature, rainfall, evapotranspiration. OBJECTIVES: 1. Determine if soil, aspect and altitude influence the composition of plant communities. 2. Create a soil and vegetation type map of the plots within the park. METHODOLGY: Vegetation and soils will be sampled to test the changes in vegetation due to the underlying substrate, aspect and altitude. Sampling will occur within quasi-random plots throughout the park at differing altitudes, aspects and substrate types. We will analyse collected samples to determine how much variation in vegetation can be predicted by aspect, geology and altitude.
Start Date: 22/11/2016      End Date: 01/07/2017
Survey Type: Vegetation Only
Study Area Description: Morialta Conservation Park
         Vegetation: Refer to Abstract.
         Fauna: *** No fauna survey objectives recorded
         Vegetation: Designate random plots within the park in order to record species presence within areas of differing altitudes and geology types. Sampled plots will be 10mx10m, with 60 plots in total. Plot design: nested subplots (see image below), to survey trees (10m x 10m plots), shrubs (5m x 5m plots) and herbs (1m x 1m plots). Plots will be at various altitudes and soil types throughout the park. Each plot will occur 200m apart from the closest other plot, terrain permitting Collect soil samples,from the centre of each plot, to test basic soil properties (nutrients, water-holding capacity) through standard procedures at UniSA. Recording percent cover of herbs within each plot. Recording of species name also. Individual shrubs specimen recording within each plot. Recording of height, species name Individual tree specimen recording within each plot. Recording of tree height, DBH, species name. Collect leaves and reproductive parts from trees for species identification and to create voucher specimens for submission to the State Herbarium of SA.
         Fauna: *** No vertebrate methodology recorded

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Distribution - Vegetation/Fauna species (ie ad-hoc opportunistic species records - not usually re-visited) NOTE:NON Std Svy methodology
Information Authority: University of South Australia