BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 175          Total No. of Sites: 520
Survey/Project Name: Wabma Kardarbu Mound Springs Inventory
Abstract: Wabma Kadarbu Mound Springs Conservation Park, northern South Australia, was first gazetted to include the Bubbler Group in July of 1996. BACKGROUND: The park was expanded in October 2001 to include a further nine spring groups. As part of this inventory it was identified that the various datasets have gathered different information and have used a range of conventions. OBJECTIVES: The objective of the current trip is to bring the datasets to a minimum standard within the Wabma Kadarbu Mound Springs CP by gathering the following information: 1. Location and altitude information for each spring vent accurate to the nearest centimetre; 2. Standard physical description of spring units following Biological Survey of SA methodologies; 3. Standardised labelling of springs vents; 4. Sampling of macro-invertebrate diversity; 5. Sampling of wetland dependant vegetation. METHODOLOGY: The inventory was originally planned to include the Strangways Spring group, but due to a larger than expected number of flowing springs within Wabma Kadarbu CP (WMC recorded 70 springs in the Wabma Kadarbu CP, whereas the May 2004 inventory located 358 springs) it was decided to not include the Strangways group. REFERENCE (Internal report): Wabma Kadarbu CP Mound Springs Inventory- May 2004. Prepared by Andrew Graham, Biological Survey and Monitoring Group, DEH, June 2005.
Start Date: 05/05/2004      End Date: 19/05/2004
Survey Type: Vegetation and Fauna
Study Area Description: All active springs within the known spring groups within the boundary of Wabma Kadarbu CP.
         Vegetation: To document spring dependant vegetation and macro-invertebrates living in and around the Great Artesian Basin Springs within Wabma Kadarbu CP.
         Fauna: To document spring dependant vegetation and macro-invertebrates living in and around the Great Artesian Basin Springs within Wabma Kadarbu CP.
         Vegetation: Standard Biological Survey forms used, but sample area dependent on area of spring vent and tail. Huge variation in are across the CP. See internal report in BioDataStore.
         Fauna: See internal report in BioDataStore.

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Biological Survey of South Australia - Standard Survey methodology used.
Fauna : Baseline Survey of flora and/or fauna - Standard Biol Survey of SA survey methodology not used.
Information Authority: Department for Environment and Heritage (BDBSA:S&C Div) - Biological Survey and Monitoring