BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 653          Total No. of Sites: 1340
Survey/Project Name: DEWNR Fire Management Group - Ramble Observation Data
Abstract: Ramble surveys are undertaken prior to each prescribed burn as part of the environmental assessment process in burn planning. The ramble survey produces a list of all flora species with the assessment area of the burn. The assessment list helps to determine potential risks and effects on certain species. Post-ramble surveys are conducted to monitor outcomes of the burn.
Start Date: 01/01/2000      End Date: 01/01/2025
Survey Type: Vegetation and Fauna
Study Area Description: Any DEWNR managed land in SA and also SA Water and Forestry SA managed reserves.
         Vegetation: Ramble surveys are carried out to provide an inventory of the species and vegetation types.
         Fauna: To record faunal diversity observed prior to and after prescribed burn events.
         Vegetation: Ramble surveys are conducted by walking through pre- or post burn sites, which may be up to several hundred hectares in size, and observing flora; species lists/ photos/ specimens are collected during this process. In the past, some monitoring sites using the Biological Survey of SA have been established and repeatedly revisited, as well as setting up other monitoring projects using DEWNR Fire Management methods. It is hoped that these sites can be reassessed in the future, subject to funding. Veg communities will be loacted using a GPS co-ordinate, and identified with an overstorey, understorey and emergent species based on the species from the ramble survey. In the past photos have been taken for species ID purposes but vouchering is now being encouraged as well.
         Fauna: *** No vertebrate methodology recorded

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Baseline Survey of flora and/or fauna - Standard Biol Survey of SA survey methodology not used.
Vegetation : Natural Hazard /Ecological studies - flood and bushfire mapping and fire behaviour assessment. - Standard Survey methodology used.
Vegetation : Monitoring - Vegetation/Ecosystem (ie species records - usually re-visited for ongoing monitoring) NOTE:NON Std Svy methodology may have been used.
Fauna : Distribution - Vegetation/Fauna species (ie ad-hoc opportunistic species records - not usually re-visited) NOTE:NON Std Svy methodology
Information Authority: Department for Environment and Water - Fire Management
Department for Environment and Heritage (BDBSA:Misc) - Regional Conservation