BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 74          Total No. of Sites: 720
Survey/Project Name: North Olary Plains
Abstract: This project aims to conduct a biological survey to map vegetation boundaries of the North Olary Plains, north-east of Adelaide, South Australia, between 1985 and 1997. AIM: Provide a representative dataset of the floristic communities and obtain a community classification. Extra sites were visited in this area during 1996 and 1997 for the Beverley Mining Project. REFERENCE: Playfair, R. M. and Robinson, A. C. (1997). A Biological Survey of the North Olary Plains, South Australia 1995-1997. Biological Survey and Research, Natural Resources Group, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Adelaide. NOTE: Site coordinates were reviewed in 2017-2018. Site was projected against Google Earth imagery and compared with physical and vegetation site data. Original site survey sheets including mud maps were consulted where available. In 2019 locations were either verified or moved the minimum distance required to improve data consistency. All changes were documented within the site audit data.
Start Date: 03/07/1995      End Date: 30/12/1997
Survey Type: Vegetation and Fauna
Study Area Description: Plains and dunefields and saltlakes, also Olary Spurr. 150mm rainfall. Characterised by Mulga woodlands, chenopod shrublands and Acacia shrublands. Area covers latitudes and longitudes 30 deg S 139 min 30sec E; 31 deg S 139 30 E; 31 deg S,139 E; 32 deg 30 S,139 deg E; 32 deg 30 141 deg E;30 S,141 degrees E.
         Vegetation: To map vegetation boundaries. Provide a representative dataset of the florisitic communities. Obtain a community classification. Revisit to some sites in 1997 should be made seperate visit period.
         Fauna: *** No fauna survey objectives recorded
         Vegetation: A 100 x 100 m quadrat was selected and a complete species list was made with vouchers where applicable, using Braun/Blanquet cover abundance. At each quadrat detailed descriptions of the physical environment and vegetation were recorded on standard data sheets using the procedure detailed in Forward & Robinson (1996). Each quadrat was marked with a numbered jarrah stake and photographed.
         Fauna: In September 1996, survey of vertebrates was undertaken at 48 of the vegetation sites. At each quadrat reptiles and small mammals were sampled using two fenced pitfall trap lines, each 50m long and comprising six pitfall traps ten metres apart with each pit 150 mm in diameter and 400 mm deep. One trapline was established on the original vegetation quadrat and the other at least 200m away in the same vegetation type to minimise interaction and provide replicate information about that vegetation type. A separate line of 15 Elliott traps and two cage traps was established adjacent to each trapline, about 20m away. Each quadrat was sampled for four days and four nights. Mammals and reptiles were also recorded by active searching for individuals or signs for one to two hours at each quadrat. Spotlight searches were made at night where time and habitat permitted. Birds were observed and recorded for one to two hours during early morning and late afternoon at least one day at each quadrat.

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Biological Survey of South Australia - Standard Survey methodology used.
Fauna : Biological Survey of South Australia - Standard Survey methodology used.
Information Authority: Department for Environment and Heritage (BDBSA:S&C Div) - Biological Survey and Monitoring