BDBSA Project Metadata Detail

Survey/Project Number: 903          Total No. of Sites: 0
Survey/Project Name: Southern Yorke Peninsula Biofund - Bush Condition Monitoring (BCM)
Abstract: This project number refined to just include Southern Yorke Peninsula Biofund-BCM data. South-western Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, is a refuge for threatened fauna species including Malleefowl, Western Whipbirds, Hooded Plovers, Sea-Eagles and Ospreys, Heath Goannas and numerous threatened flora species as well as declining woodland bird species. The Southern Yorke Peninsula Conservation Action Planning (CAP) process has identified the need for revegetation and habitat restoration works to buffer high quality remnant vegetation, re-establish landscape linkages and improve landscape permeability, and increase the system's resilience to climatic changes. The Northern and Yorke NRM Board has received funding support to undertake habitat restoration works, between 2013 and 2017. As part of the monitoring and evaluation process, the Board is interested in assessing the response of woodland birds to revegetation, habitat restoration and pest species control activities. In addition the board is also interested in the response of Goannas, Tammar Wallabies and Malleefowl to fox baiting in the Southern Yorke Peninsula (SYP) project area. Bushland Condition Monitoring will be undertaken in Dryland Tea-tree and Sheoak vegetation communities, with some opportunistic plant specimen collection. Monitoring of White-bellied Sea-Eagles and Ospreys will also be undertaken as part of the project.
Start Date: 06/08/2013      End Date: 30/06/2017
Survey Type: Vegetation and Fauna
Study Area Description: Southern Yorke Peninsula area - from Pt Turton - Corny Point, Innes National Park to Sturt Bay
         Vegetation: Refer to Abstract.
         Fauna: Refer to Abstract.
         Vegetation: A variety of methods will be used. These include Bush Condition Monitoring (BCMs) using the NCSSA methodology. These sites will be undertaken in Dryland Tea-tree and Sheoak vegetation communities and coastal protection areas with some opportunistic plant specimen. BCM data will be entered into the NCSSA BCM database with plant opportune records entered in BDBSA.
         Fauna: Bird Sites method will follow the Birds Australia 2 ha 20 minute surveys (with 6 back to back x 20 min sessions = 2 hrs per bird site). Sea-eagle and osprey observations are intended to be entered into BDBSA.

Data Distribution Rules: Public Dataset
Project Basis: Vegetation : Bushland Condition Monitoring standard methodology.
Fauna : Habitat rehabilitation/restoration
Fauna : Opportunistic records - casual obs no fixed methodology
Information Authority: Department for Environment and Heritage (BDBSA:Northern & Yorke) - Clare Office - Regional Ecologist
Department for Environment and Heritage (BDBSA:Northern & Yorke) - Innes Office